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Prophet Idris (Enoch) - Muslims Scientists Part-3

Prophet Idris, also known as Enoch in the Judeo-Christian tradition, is considered a prophet in Islam and is mentioned in the Quran. According to Islamic tradition, Prophet Idris was a wise and learned man who was chosen by Allah to be a prophet and guide for humanity. He is known for his knowledge and understanding of science, and is believed to have made significant contributions to the fields of astronomy, mathematics, and medicine.

The story of Prophet Idris is mentioned in the Quran in Surah Maryam, where it is said that he was a man of truth and patience, and that Allah had granted him wisdom and knowledge. It is also said that he was a man of great character and integrity, and that he always spoke the truth and did good deeds.

In Islamic tradition, Prophet Idris is considered to be the first person to be granted the gift of writing and to have written down the wisdom and knowledge that he received from Allah. He is believed to have written many books on a wide range of subjects, including astronomy, mathematics, and medicine.

In terms of his contributions to science, Prophet Idris is known for his work in the field of astronomy. It is said that he was the first person to discover the concept of the zodiac and to divide the year into twelve months. He is also credited with the development of the first sundial, which allowed people to track the passage of time and to predict the movements of the sun and the stars.

In addition to his work in astronomy, Prophet Idris is also known for his contributions to the field of mathematics. It is said that he was the first person to use numbers and to develop a system for counting and measuring. He is also credited with the development of the first system of weights and measures, which allowed people to accurately measure quantities and to trade goods more effectively.

Finally, Prophet Idris is also known for his contributions to the field of medicine. It is said that he was the first person to discover the use of plants and herbs for medicinal purposes, and that he wrote extensively about the medicinal properties of various plants and herbs. He is also credited with the development of the first system of pharmacology, which allowed people to use drugs and medications more effectively to treat a wide range of ailments.

In conclusion, Prophet Idris is a figure of great significance in Islam and is known for his wisdom, knowledge, and contributions to the fields of astronomy, mathematics, and medicine. His legacy continues to be remembered and celebrated by Muslims around the world, and his teachings and writings continue to inspire and guide people in their pursuit of knowledge and understanding of the world around them.

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