Breaking News

Strike At 6 UK Airports For b better pay

Inflation Is Running At Nearly 11 Percent In UK

That's Why The strike, orgenised by the PCS, is the first of eight planned between Friday and January 1 at six UK airports,

More than 1,000 passport control staff are expected to walk out on the first day of a strike that is planned to last until New Year over pay, according to the (PCS).

The walkout is the latest addition to strikes of nurses, paramedics, and workers in the rail and postal sectors in the biggest wave of industrial action over pay and conditions in Britain for decades.

Following stoppages, the government refused to increase pay following years of wage stagnation and a cost-of-living crisis that has seen inflation running at nearly 11 percent.

The government has drafted in armed forces personnel and civil servants to operate passport booths at the airports – Heathrow, Birmingham, Cardiff, Gatwick, Glasgow and Manchester and the southern coast port of Newhaven.

PCS general secretary Mark Serwotka said many Border Force employees were struggling with the cost-of-living crisis.

Forty-thousand of our members are using food banks; 45,000 of them are claiming in-work benefits. They are the in-work poor,” he told In An Interview, adding that the dispute was also about pensions and job security.

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